Sunday, July 7, 2013

What To Eat For Breakfast?

Okay, this heat is really starting to get to me!  I've had enough already!  It has been over 90 degrees with 75%+ humidity for a week now and I'm running on empty from perspiration!  I get up in the morning, it's sunny and maybe 80 degrees (ye-ow, already), I slept under a ceiling fan all night with only a sheet and I'm grouchy and tired and the day hasn't even begun yet!

What to eat for breakfast?  Oatmeal - have some in the refrigerator!

I love oatmeal for breakfast.  Yes, oatmeal is good any or every day of the week - well, almost everyday.  I buy it in 35 pound bags so I always have plenty of oatmeal on hand.  It fills me up, makes the plumbing work like a top and keeps me filled until afternoon and many days I can just skip lunch (I know, not a good idea) but then we'll eat early around say 4:30-5:30 and have a treat later in the evening.  I COULD NOT look at HOT oatmeal this morning.  No way, no how.  What to do?  Eat it cold I thought.  Why have I never thought about eating it cold before now?  I'm not sure, just mired in a rut for the last 40 years!!


Here's my recipe for cooked oatmeal in a large batch, eat what I want that morning, store the rest in the refrigerator and eat off it for a couple of days.  This is a good way to get a good breakfast for the kids or yourself when short on time or energy.

Oatmeal My Way
2 cups oatmeal
3 1/2 cups water
3 pinches of Celtic sea salt

Fruit - dried, frozen or fresh
Nuts - your choice
Yogurt or Milk

You can put any of these
ingredients in to cook (maybe not the yogurt) with
the oatmeal or sprinkle them on after you ladle
the hot oatmeal into the bowl - that's how I do it
because my husband doesn't like nuts in his oatmeal, oeh.

Place everything in a pan together, bring to a simmer and let it go for about 5-8 minutes, stir occasionally, turn off the burner, place a lid on it.  Get on with feeding the dogs and finally get back to to the oatmeal.

I like to toss slivered or sliced almonds, sunflower and flax seeds and a 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries on top of my oatmeal when it is ladled into the bowl.  If I take cold oatmeal out of the refrigerator then I put everything (nuts, seeds and fruit) in the bottom of the bowl, heap the oatmeal on top and heat in the microware for 4-5 minutes.  Another addition I like is Greek yogurt - maybe a large serving spoon amount on top after it is heated and serve.

This morning I was NOT going to eat anything HOT for breakfast!  I thought "why not cold" so that's what I did.  I had a container filled with oatmeal from the day before so I spooned out what I thought I would want, chopped it up into small bite size pieces,  dumped a good handful of nuts and seeds on the top and topped it off with frozen blueberries.  Sprinkled everything with Stevia and when it came to the table I poured on COLD milk.  IT WAS DELICIOUS, SATISFYING AND FILLING.  A nice change from HOT oatmeal.  Give it a try, you might like it and it's oh so HEALTHY!

OH, BTW, I drink iced tea for breakfast in the summer!  Picked that habit up while living in North Carolina many, many years ago but it sure makes sense when it is hot outside.  

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is oatmeal with sliced banana and walnut halves. ;)
